
Energy Game Changers offers an opportunity for energy professionals to exchange ideas and collaborate to expedite the energy transition and achieve a clean energy future.

Become a member of the Energy
Game Changers

As a member, you’ll gain access to the Energy Game Changers LinkedIn group which will facilitate connections, document sharing, and the exchange of insights with fellow members. Furthermore, you’ll receive exclusive invitations to closed-door roundtable sessions, webinars addressing critical industry topics for the broader community, and informal networking events throughout the year.

To become a part of our community, all we require is your shared passion for accelerating the energy transition. There are no associated membership fees; this platform is exclusively designed for executives to connect, engage in discussions, and explore innovative solutions to industry challenges.

Energy Game Changers will be an inclusive community, bridging the gap between energy pioneers and established players, uniting marketers, policymakers, and all passionate advocates to collectively shape the future of our industry. 

Current Members Include: 

Purpose and shared goals of the Energy Game Changers

Despite large investments in new technologies, the energy transition is not on track to meet the Paris climate goals. We need to go faster and remove all barriers as soon as possible. Some of the non-technical barriers include complexity of the energy system, resistance to change, lack of knowledge and fake news. These are the challenges where communications, marketing and public affairs professionals can help solve.

We’re aware that these professionals work for their own organisations, usually in isolation, and not always connected to other professionals in the energy sector. So a better understanding of the latest trends and access to a community of changemakers in the energy sector will help energy professionals in their organisations and accelerate the transition to a clean energy future.

For membership enquiries, please contact us

Please fill in the form to express your interest and invitation to the LinkedIn Group.

Alternatively, you can reach out to us via email at

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