Sustainable Energy Branding

Sustainable energy branding has become one of the hottest topics in business. As climate change and market liberalisation―the greatest environmental and economic challenges of our times―are prompting the world’s power companies to transform on a scale never seen before, the eyes of the world are firmly upon them.
By introducing new business models, as well as new ways of generating power, energy-sector giants are aiming to dramatically cut harmful emissions over the next few decades. Crucial to the success of this transition is the support of energy consumers and political decision-makers, and this challenge should not be underestimated. Power companies are, therefore, developing new marketing and communication strategies around renewable energy, sustainable growth, co-operation with customers and environmental protection. Fridrik Larsen, the world’s foremost expert on energy branding, looks at the role of branding and marketing in the energy transition through a series of interviews with senior energy-sector executives.
These compelling insights from industry leaders make this book a must-read for marketing and C-suite executives at energy companies who are wanting to communicate sustainable and renewable energy solutions effectively to make a difference
Sustainable Energy Branding – helping to save the planet. Buy the book today!
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