Brand building and clean energy in the spotlight at CHARGE 2019

At CHARGE 2019 we will have a variety of presentations from energy companies, thought leaders and branding professionals. For two days in Iceland, the participants will form a community of changes in the energy sector. Here is a brief overview of what will be going on in Reykjavík September 30th and October 1st

Building Blocks

Awareness is the foundation of any brand but brands need to fulfil both the rational and emotional needs of their customers to be able to resonate with them. The audience will learn from experts and practitioners how a brand reaches higher with the brand building blocks.

Speakers in the Building Blocks track; Julien Tchernia from ekWateur, Jo Kearins from Contact Energy and Sven Rudloff. Moderator is Martin Stadler.


The workshops are each hosted by an expert in the topic covered. The purpose of the workshops is to give participants valuable tools to bring back to their day-to-day activities.

CHARGE Workshops on Tuesday and hosts Patrick Caiger-Smith, Thom Kennon and Margaret Hartwell

The CHARGE Awards

The fourth annuals CHARGE Awards ceremony will be held at Ingólfsskáli Viking Restaurant just outside of Reykjavík. From the initial shortlist created by a panel of international experts to the final evaluation of finalists, the World’s Best Energy Brands will be announced in eight categories. You can find further information on the awards here.

Awards Winners Q&A

The winners of the CHARGE Awards will go on stage to share their opinion on how they have built and maintained a successful energy brand.

Winners of last year’s CHARGE Awards during the Q&A

The consumer decision journey

How consumers make purchase decisions has radically changed in the past years, especially due to the rise of digital technologies. McKinsey saw the growing need to better understand shifting consumer behaviour a bit more than ten years ago when they proposed a new approach called the consumer decision journey. 

Nils Liedtke will present McKinsey’s findings on the consumer decision journey

Energy, Tourism and the Circular Economy

Innovation in energy can create new value streams and they don’t have to come from in the form of new technology but innovation can be in the form of finding new value streams from resources after the generation of electricity.

Janine Finnell, executive director of Leaders in Energy will lead a discussion

Green Chair Dialogue

A one-on-one dialogue on how we can accelerate the energy transition. Through shared insight from industry leaders and experts, we aim to accelerate the transition to a greener future.

The Green Chair Dialogue will start with a keynote from Lucy Craig, followed by interviews and Q&A moderated by Caroline Kamerbeek. Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson and Joao Duarte will take a seat in the Green Chair.

Communicating Innovation

New things can appear overwhelming and even frightening to people. But by finding the right framework of communication and using the right terminology, innovation and technology do not have to appear too alien and they can be used to communicate a positive brand image.

Presentations from Andrew Sabados, Tory Wrigley, Laurence E. Jones, Emily Highmore-Talbot and Patrick Caiger-Smith. Moderated by Mads Thomsen.

Brand strategy and changes

Both utilities and the industry itself needs to be constantly aware that a positive image is more likely to win over more loyal customers and attract the best talent. We will hear about the state of the sector and how energy brands have successfully found ways to turn their brands around with decisions at the strategic level.

Rana Brightman will be presenting brand new research on how brands can win the minds of tomorrow. Presentations from Dr. Rashid Alleem, Lars Bonderup Bjorn and Esa Mukka on how they have changed the course of their utilities. Moderated by Colin Mangham.

The Energy Transition of Mobility

The final chapter in the energy transition of Iceland is clean transport. For a small island with an abundance of renewable energy, cleaning up road transport should not be a challenge. But how can a small remote island that depends on fishing and tourism clean up all means of transportation?

Panel discussion moderated by Gísli Marteinn Baldursson. Panellists will be Birkir Hólm Guðnason, Elín Árnadóttir and Jón Trausti Ólafsson.

Branding to the corporate consumer

Although corporations are immaterial entities, marketing and branding from business to business is often done on a more personal level than mass media marketing to individuals. But how important is the energy brand in the eyes of the corporate consumer and how can energy brands escape the commodity trap?

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Featuring presentations from Thomas Hillig, Ashley Vigor, Hans Petter Kildal and Espen Fjeld. Moderated by Robert Leinders-Krog

2020’s from vision to action

As the 21st century says goodbye to the teenage years – we are looking at the new decade ahead of us, which is full of possible futures and will try to figure out what will define the next ten years and perhaps what has defined the ‘teens. What is possible in terms of technology but more importantly what will shape the future of attitudes and how we create and develop brands.

Featuring Andreas Goedecke, Kevin O’Donovan, Margit Unander and Christine Göhler. Moderated by Gaël Glorieux.

Fireside chat

A concept coined by an American president to describe the intimate tone that he wished to imprint in his radio announcements to the nation. At CHARGE we will have an intimate chat on applying research and knowledge in the field with a bled of different points of view from people with a corporate / academic /branding/research background.

The fireside chat will be lead by Joao Duarte and participants will be Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Fernando Ortiz Ehmann and Alexander Richter.


Break the ice with your fellow participants. Get the conversation started and continue into the networking segments.

The Icebreaking sessions will be hosted by Ingrid H. Warner.

Sonic branding

Ella Duda from Sixieme Son will lead us into the world of Sonic Branding, the philosophy, methodology and the effectiveness of designing a wholistic sonic profile for a brand.

Navigating the future of energy to create new customer values

The energy industry is part of a major transition like the music, telecom and automotive industry and this will have an impact beyond the industry itself. This transformation will have an impact on all businesses and with new digital tools and business models, this creates new opportunities for energy companies. In this presentation, Irina Radzikhovskaya will give an introduction on how to approach this change and create new customer values. A change that includes leveraging on energy knowledge, build new digital competences and help navigate new customers in the energy transformation.

Irina Radzikhovskaya alpiq customer experience future

The CHARGE Lounge

The CHARGE Lounge serves as a meeting point informal gathering of CHARGE participants. The CHARGE Lounge will be located at Ský Bar & Restaurant on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Renewable Reykjavík

The finale this year will be an excursion based on Reykjavík’s many locations related to renewable energy. Buses will depart from Harpa after the final track around 16:30 and return back at 20:00.

Further information on The CHARGE Awards ceremony, CHARGE Lounge, Renewable Reykjavík Excursion and the official unofficial afterparty, click here.

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