Energy Game Changers

In 2023 DNV partnered with CHARGE to bring leading energy communication professionals together to discuss and agree actions on the topic ‘We are Energy Game Changers’ on a conference panel.
Some of the actions include:

  • Communications professionals must be proactive in finding the right positive stories and projects. Don’t wait for engineering colleagues to ask you to write a standard press release.
  • We should look at communicating the risks of not acting
  • Support technical engineers with their storytelling
  • Join the LinkedIn Energy Game Changers page
  • Initiate or join roundtables in other areas of the world

The report features insights from industry experts on simplifying narratives for better public understanding, engaging communities through creative projects, and advocating for stronger policy actions. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration among energy professionals, policymakers, and communication experts to drive the energy transition effectively. Key actions include proactive storytelling, highlighting risks of inaction, and supporting technical experts in their communication efforts.

Download and read the full report and actions.

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